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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Healthy Technology Use

Technology is part of our everyday lives whether we like it or not. Screens and entertainment media are now more accessible at all times and in almost any location. While it can be a really good tool to learn, like anything, it can create problems when not used appropriately.

What are some warning signs that your child does not have a healthy relationship with technology?

  • Your kids complain that they are bored or unhappy when they don’t have access to technology
  • Tantrums or extreme resistance occur when you set screen time limits
  • Screen time interferes with sleep, school, and/or face-to-face communication

What then are some good guidelines for developing healthy technology habits? There are many, but a few that I like are:

  • Find a balance: Every family has different needs, so they need to see what works for them. The American Academy of Pediatrics has a handy tool to create a Family Media Plan, where you can see what kind of recommendations they have for healthy habits and what choices your family could make to help achieve that balance.
  • Pay Attention: Keep regular tabs on what your child is viewing/playing and if it is something you are comfortable with them watching. Have honest communication with your children about what content is off-limits and why.
  • Model Good Boundaries: if you are pulling out your phone at all times to entertain yourself, that is what your kids will do. Show them that there are times for media use and other times to engage with the activity or those around you. Incorporate family activities that have nothing to do with screens so kids know what options are when screens are off limits.
  • Protect Sleep: Many studies show that digital media use at night can interfere with sleep quality. Consider restricting screens for 30-60 minutes before bedtime. It also might be smart to have phones or tablets charge away from bedrooms in order to encourage sleeping rather than screen/media use in rooms.

More information can be found in the New York Times, Family Media Plan, or the American Psychological Association.

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