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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Each week we will be sharing a tip from our school psychologist, Mrs. Rollins.

This week we are talking about – Noticing Nonverbal Cues

One way I like to talk to my kids about what they watch or read is to point out Nonverbal Cues. These are ways people communicate without using words. Students with Autism, ADHD, Anxiety or Depression can miss or misinterpret these cues, so it can be helpful to teach them to notice examples and discuss what they mean.

There are 8 general nonverbal cues:

  1. Facial Expression: what their face is doing.
  2. Eye Gaze: what someone is or is not looking at.
  3. Gestures: what people do with their hands.
  4. Appearance: what people wear, how they are wearing it or items they are holding.
  5. Body Language: the way people position their body in relation to others or environment.
  6. Paralinguistics: the tone, pitch, volume or rhythm of speech used when speaking.
  7. Proxemics: how physically close people are to each other.
  8. Haptics: how someone or something is touched.

These cues are best used to notice what the character might be thinking or feeling. You would ask: “How are they feeling?” and then, “How do you know?” If you get an I don’t know answer, then you would explain it from your perspective.

In addition to noticing these cues, you can ask follow up questions:

  • Is that respectful behavior?
  • Would you like it if you were treated that way?
  • Is that a safe thing to do?
  • What would you do it if your friends did that?
  • What would happen if you did that in real life?

When you engage in the shows they watch or the games they play, your kids feel cared for and you get them to think about what they are watching. It also opens the door for crucial conversations about bullying, relationships, addictive behavior, etc. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter pages!


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