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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Elementary School News :

Hooray for Friday! It’s the day you get to learn more about the fantastic staff members we have working at Sunset View Elementary! This year we will continue to take each Friday to introduce...

Students have been participating in a unit on folklore during their visits to the library this month. They discussed how folklore consists of different types of stories that have been passed on...

Each week we will be sharing a tip from our school psychologist, Mrs. Rollins. This week we are talking about – What is Dyscalculia? Dyscalculia is a math learning disability that can impact a...

Good Morning! The snow and winter weather have come and will be here for a while. Please continue to send students with their coats to ensure that they are warm when they are outside for their...

Sunset View will be holding its Winter Choir Concert this Wednesday, December 7 at 6 pm in the Sunset View Auditorium. All are welcome to come and listen to the pieces that our choir students have...

Hooray for Friday! It’s the day you get to learn more about the fantastic staff members we have working at Sunset View Elementary! This year we will continue to take each Friday to introduce...

Due to current weather conditions, Provo City School District will operate on a Two Hour Late Start Schedule today. This means that school will start two hours later than normal for each school. For...
