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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Elementary School News :

How many times can you bounce a beach ball or balloon off of one arm, with control like popcorn? How many times can you bounce it back and forth from one arm to another? Can you tap the ball three...

Thank you! Our in-person book fair has closed and we appreciate each and every one of you for coming and supporting our school. If you didn't have the chance to shop in person you can still continue...

Hooray for Friday! It’s the day you get to learn more about the fantastic staff members we have working at Sunset View Elementary! This year we will continue to take each Friday to introduce...

Congratulations to our Spelling Bee Finalists for the 2022-2023 school year! We are so excited for them and can't wait to see how they perform in the next rounds of the competition. Don't forget to...

Our orchestra students did an amazing job performing with students from across the district last night at Provo High School. We are so proud of them and the progress they are making in their musical...

Last Chance! Only 3 days left to shop at our Book Fair in person! It ends on February 3! Afterward, you can still continue to support our school and spread the joy of reading online through February...

We’ve all been there before, we are hungry, but we don’t know what we want to eat. By checking the school breakfast and lunch calendars, your child can know if the school meals are what they will...
