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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Elementary School News :

Hooray for Friday! It’s the day you get to learn more about the fantastic staff members we have working at Sunset View Elementary! This year we will continue to take each Friday to introduce...

Hello Sunset View Family! There will be no school Monday, February 20 in observance of President’s Day. School will resume Tuesday, February 21. Don't forget to check out our Facebook, Instagram,...

Here we can see third grade singing a beloved adult Chinese folk song. We love how our students get to experience so many different kinds of music through our music program! Don't forget to check...

Each week we will be sharing a tip from our school psychologist, Mrs. Rollins. This week we are talking about – Valentine’s Day Anxiety Valentine’s Day in elementary school is typically a fun...

Who’s ready to show off their creativity? Calling all aspiring filmmakers! 🎥 Submit your film today at! Don't forget to check out our Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter...

Sunset View will be having Safety week next week, February 13-17. There will be different dress-up days for each day of the week. We would love for everyone interested in participating to dress up...

Hooray for Friday! It’s the day you get to learn more about the fantastic staff members we have working at Sunset View Elementary! This year we will continue to take each Friday to introduce...
