Last modified: March 7, 2025
School Parent Family Compact
This compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share responsibility for improved academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the state’s high standards.
The Student Will:
- Arrive at school on time and ready to learn
- Do their best work
- Keep working when things get hard
- Ask for help when it is needed
- Help others
The Parent Will:
- Support my children in their learning by:
- Ensuring my child attends school regularly and on time
- Ensuring my child receives plenty of rest and proper nutrition
- Communicating areas of concern in my child’s academic growth with their classroom teacher
- Communicating any concerns I may have with the classroom teacher
The Teacher Will:
- Provide high-quality, engaging curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet challenging State academic standards by:
- Differentiating instruction for student needs
- Teaching to the Utah Core Standards
- Conducting frequent assessment of learning
- Providing feedback to students
The School Will:
- Provide high-quality, engaging curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet challenging State academic standards by:
- Following a schedule for learning
- Providing extensions and interventions
- Conducting ongoing professional development
- Using evidence-based curriculum
The Student Will:
- Ask for help when needed
- Participate
- Listen
The Parent Will:
- Participate in decisions relating to the education of my children by:
- Attending scheduled conferences
- Contacting the school with questions or concerns
- Attending school activities as much as possible
- Monitoring my child’s progress throughout the year
The Teacher Will:
- Provide data, materials, instructions, and opportunities that engage families in student success:
- Grade-level activities
- For example: Walking Report Card, Wax Museums, etc.
- Emails
The School Will:
- Provide data, materials, instructions, and opportunities that engage families in student success:
- Annual Title I Meeting
- School-wide activities
- At-home Literacy and Math activities
- Social Studies Extravaganza
- STEM Night
The Student Will:
- Respect other students, adults, and their property by:
- Showing Respect
- Owning Learning
- Acting Responsibly
- Reflecting Safety
The Parent Will:
- Volunteer when possible by:
- Participating in PTA
- Attending School Community Council meetings
- Helping in the classroom
- Attending school functions
- Communicating with the teacher when there are concerns
The Teacher Will:
- Engage in two-way, meaningful communication through:
- Parent-Teacher conferences
- Frequent student progress reports
- Reviewing the School-Parent-Family Compact
- Emails, phone calls, or notes
- Providing translation services as necessary
The School Will:
- Engage in two-way, meaningful communication by:
- Providing opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in decision-making
- Providing translation services as necessary
- Using social media to share what is happening at school
The Student Will:
- Take home my backpack every day
- Complete and return all assignments
The Parent Will:
- Support my child with a positive use of extracurricular time by:
- Establishing a distraction-free place and time for assisting my child with assignments
- Establishing a reading routine with my child
The Teacher Will:
- Provide timely and meaningful feedback on assignments, assessments, student needs, and behavior as appropriate by:
- Sharing concerns with parents
- Sharing positive things that have happened at school with parents
The School Will:
- Send home 4 standards reports per year
- Provide times for parents to meet with teachers
- Provide times before and after school when parents can schedule meetings with teachers
- Ensure regular two-way communication