Last modified: March 7, 2025
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
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Sunset View Elementary Parent and Family Engagement Policy
All schools receiving Title I funds are required under Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to develop a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy. This policy, developed jointly with parents, describes how the school will carry out meaningful parent and family engagement.
Parents and family members are involved in the development of the school parent and family engagement policy. At Sunset View Elementary, we involve our stakeholders by inviting them to PTA meetings where the policy is discussed and revised. We also share drafts with the School Community Council to get their feedback and revision ideas.
Policy Involvement
Annual Meeting
An annual meeting is held each year in the fall. At this meeting, information is shared with stakeholders that includes an explanation of Title I, how funds are allocated, student performance in literacy and math, intervention and enrichment opportunities for students, and ways that stakeholders communicate with the school. You may find our annual meeting information here: Sunset View Title I Page
Flexible Meetings
We offer flexible meeting times for parents and families to participate in decisions regarding their children. We hold Parent-Teacher Conferences twice a year. The dates for these meetings can also be found on our school website. Teachers have time before and after school that can be used for meetings with parents. We encourage parents to call or email their child’s teacher to schedule a time to meet before school (8:15-8:35) or after school (3:20-3:50).
Involve Parents
We use our School Community Council and PTA in the planning and preparation for our parent engagement activities. These two committees are composed of parents from our school. These groups review data collected from school surveys, as well as parent feedback submitted to the front office, to plan activities that meet the needs of our students and their parents. The committees meet monthly to discuss current information and to continually plan activities for the school. If you are interested in joining the School Community Council or PTA, please contact the front office.
Shared Responsibility – High Student Academic Achievement
The Sunset View Elementary School Parent Family Compact outlines shared responsibilities for high student academic achievement and is developed jointly with parents, teachers, administrators, and students. Please see our school’s compact here: Sunset View Title I Page
Building Capacity For Involvement
To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve academic achievement, Sunset View Elementary School will:
- Share with stakeholders, at least three times a year, Utah Core Standards, state and local assessment information, and ways parents can monitor their students’ academic success. At Sunset View Elementary, we share this information four times a year. Standards reports are sent home at the end of each school term and also shared during Parent-Teacher Conferences.
- Provide materials and/or training for parents to work with their children to improve their children’s achievement, such as literacy support and using technology. At Sunset View Elementary, we send materials home to support students and parents in learning math and language arts throughout the year. We also encourage parents to volunteer in their child’s classroom to observe learning activities and better support their child’s education at home.
- Provide professional development for administrators, teachers, and instructional support personnel (with assistance from parents) on the value of parents as equal partners and building ties between parents and the school. At Sunset View Elementary School, we work with the School Community Council and PTA to identify ways to incorporate parent feedback into classrooms. Faculty meetings also include discussions to assess the parent climate at our school.
- Coordinate parent involvement programs and activities with other federal, state, and local programs that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in their child’s education. At Sunset View Elementary, we work with our parent liaisons and school social workers to provide resources to help parents be actively involved in their child’s education.
To the extent practicable, Sunset View Elementary School will ensure that information for parents and family members (including parents and family members who have limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children) is provided in a language they can understand. This includes standards reports and essential school information.
This document was developed jointly by a team of parents, teachers, and administrators in October 2024.