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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Today we held our first Recognition Assembly of the school year (held in October, but recognizing achievements in the month of September). We love recognizing and showing appreciation for our parents and staff just as much as we do our students. Our Volunteer of the Month was Beth. If you didn’t know, she was a huge support with our Bike to School week and one of the reasons that it was such a success. Thank you for all you do Beth! Our classified staff of the month was Kaylie. Kaylie works with Patrick and is loved by all the students and staff who know her. Our teacher of the month was Mrs. Bybee. Mrs. Bybee has been featured on our Meet the Teacher Monday posts – so you already know how awesome she is. If you want to get to know her better, scroll through our feed and read about Mrs. Bybee. Teachers chose students who were exemplifying the SOAR trait of Showing Respect. We loved celebrating each and every student who was selected by his or her teacher for showing respect throughout the past month. Our students truly are the best!

We also give out the Iron Man award. This award goes to the class with the highest percentage for class attendance during the previous month. Mrs. Kinsey’s class was our winner for September, with a total of 99% attendance! Way to go Mrs. Kinsey’s class!

Students work hard throughout the month to collect SOAR cards. SOAR cards can be earned by Showing Respect, Owning their Learning, Acting Responsibly, and Reflecting Safety. SOAR cards are ‘fed’ to the dragon in our front office. At our Recognition Assemblies, Principal Chilcoat fills a table with prizes that students can win if their SOAR card is chosen from the dragon. We had over 1,000 SOAR cards turned in this past month – way to go Sunset Dragons! Let’s see how many we can earn in the month of October!

Thank you to all the parents who came to support Sunset View at this assembly.

Remember to check our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates!


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