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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Last modified: April 8, 2024

Community Council

The purpose of the Community Council is to plan how funds from the School Land Trust are used at the school site. Safe school routes are also discussed, as well as other pertinent and important information related to Sunset View. The Community Council meets about 6 times per year, more often if necessary to discuss the school plan, its implementation, and academic progress from year to year.

If you are interested in serving on the Community Council, please have a friend or staff member nominate you at the front office of Sunset View. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Chilcoat, Sunset View Principal.

Several school committees work each year to establish various plans. They are available for you to view. Feel free to ask for a copy in the front office.

Community Council Members

Seth Hansen
Christina  Harrison
Hayley  Johnson
Karen  Phair
Carrie Prince
Allison  Williams
  • Parent
  • Allison Williams

Community Council Meeting Schedule and Minutes

School Community Council meetings will be held in the school auditorium in order to social distance.

2023-2024 Proposed Meeting Dates and Times

2022-2023 Proposed Meeting Dates and Times

2021-2022 Proposed Meeting Dates and Times

2020-2021 Proposed Meeting Dates and Times

2019-2020 Meetings

Agendas for Upcoming Meetings

2023-2024 Meetings

2022-2023 Meetings

2021-2022 Meetings

2020-2021 Meetings

2019-2020 Meetings

Community Council Documents

Community Council Rules of Order and Procedures

TSSA Documents
