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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Announcements

Cafe Rio PTA Fundraiser is Thursday

All day Thursday, eat at Cafe Rio and a portion of the proceeds will go to our SSV PTA. In-store ordering: show them the flier before you order. Online ordering, scan the QR code and order from that

It’s Spirit Week at Sunset View

Monday - Hat Day; Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day, Wednesday - Crazy Socks Day; Thursday - Wear Red and eat at Cafe Rio (must show the flier); Friday - Wear Blue! Cafe Rio Flier

Come Cheer on the Dragon Dash This Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 A M

The Dragon Dash is this Friday from 9:00-9:30 am. Parents, meet in the field to cheer us on as we all run the new course. 6th grade will start at 9:00, then each grade will follow 5 minutes after the grade before them.

Sunset View News

While the Book Fair was at our school, students visited with their classes and were able to select one book that interested them that they would like to read and add to their home libraries. We hope...

This month is women’s history month! In art class each grade level learned about a woman artist. Fifth grade learned about Georgia O’Keefe and made flowers with paint and string! We are also all...

Recently, we did all of the raffle drawings from our book fair grand event! We had 6 grand winners who each went home with a big box/bag of books, bookmarks, erasers, pencils and...

Friday was our 5th grade vs. teachers basketball tournament at Sunset View. There was so much energy in the gym, and our Dragon made a special appearance to cheer everyone on. Go Dragons! Make sure...

Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will be held this week (Monday -Thursday) from 10 am - 2 pm. Please use the following link to sign up for a time. Kindergarten Registration...

Yay for Mondays! This year, we will start each week by introducing a different school faculty member in our new #MeetTheTeacherMonday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff...

Today was the final Battle of the Books showdown at Sunset View for the year! For the third and fourth grade teams vs. the teachers, Mrs. Bailey's "The Unstoppables" will be moving on to...

We are so proud of our ‘I Got This’ students of the week! They continue to persevere when their work gets hard! Don't forget to check out our Instagram and Facebook for a fun video of all this...

Our students have been working so hard during Battle of the Books this year! Last week we had each of our class champions compete in their grade level battles to determine who would be competing in...
