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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Announcements

Spring Break, March 31st April 4th

No school March 31st- April 4th, enjoy your spring break and please be safe!

Kindergarten Registration – Open Now

Kindergarten Registration is open now, apply online then call 801-374-4950 to make an appointment to finish registration in person.

Title 1 Preschool Registration: Open Now

Preschool Registration is open now. Register here.

Sunset View News

We sure had fun in art this year and we were able to display some of our Social Studies art projects for the Extravaganza! Fifth graders displayed their science animal museum and Sixth graders shared...

Yay for Tuesdays! This year, we will be introducing a different school faculty member in our new #TeacherFeatureTuesday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff we have at...

Yay for Tuesdays! This year, we will be introducing a different school faculty member in our new #TeacherFeatureTuesday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff we have at...

Yay for Mondays! This year, we will start each week by introducing a different school faculty member in our new #MeetTheTeacherMonday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff...

Yay for Mondays! This year, we will start each week by introducing a different school faculty member in our new #MeetTheTeacherMonday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff...

What a night! Our Dragons did an amazing job sharing with friends and family what they have been practicing for months! Thank you for all the hard work that went into this evening, and for those...

Yay for Fridays! This year, we will be introducing a different school faculty member in our new #TeacherFeatureFriday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff we have at...

Yay for Fridays! This year, we will be introducing a different school faculty member in our new #TeacherFeatureFriday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff we have at...

Yay for Fridays! This year, we will be introducing a different school faculty member in our new #TeacherFeatureFriday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff we have at...
