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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Announcements

Cafe Rio PTA Fundraiser is Thursday

All day Thursday, eat at Cafe Rio and a portion of the proceeds will go to our SSV PTA. In-store ordering: show them the flier before you order. Online ordering, scan the QR code and order from that

It’s Spirit Week at Sunset View

Monday - Hat Day; Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day, Wednesday - Crazy Socks Day; Thursday - Wear Red and eat at Cafe Rio (must show the flier); Friday - Wear Blue! Cafe Rio Flier

Come Cheer on the Dragon Dash This Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 A M

The Dragon Dash is this Friday from 9:00-9:30 am. Parents, meet in the field to cheer us on as we all run the new course. 6th grade will start at 9:00, then each grade will follow 5 minutes after the grade before them.

Sunset View News

Each week we will be sharing a tip from our school psychologist, Mrs. Rollins. This week we are talking about – Easing back into School I have talked about sleep schedules and routines before...

Happy Monday! We hope you're excited about all that this week will bring! We've got exciting things happening this week and want you to be aware of it all. Two important things to note - the...

Hello! We want to invite you all to attend our Back to School Night on Monday, August 14 from 5:00-6:30. We hope you will join us! Don't forget to check out our Facebook, Instagram, or...

Thank you to everyone who came to support our Kindergarten students at their graduation yesterday! We are so proud of the growth our kindergarten students have made this year and are excited to see...

Our students had an amazing field day on Tuesday filled with outdoor activities, water games, bubbles, chalk, jump rope, a surprise rain storm…and the fire department coming to hose down all the...

Hooray for Friday! It’s the day you get to learn more about the fantastic staff members we have working at Sunset View Elementary! This year we will continue to take each Friday to introduce...

The district's student family advocates put together this wonderful summer resource flyer. It contains information to access support, fun, and food during the summer! PCSD Summer Activities and...

Recently, the Second Grade completed their study of birds by taking a field trip to the Tracy Aviary in Salt Lake. As part of their studies, students researched different birds, wrote reports about...
