Please plan to join us December 13th for a Winter Read & Sing at 5:00PM! We'll start the evening with upper and lower grade reading classes where you'll receive a winter book and reading...
Attending: Karen Phair, Brooke Barnes, Christine Harrison, Seth Hansen, Teri Mccabe, Carrie Prince Safe Routes to School City is planning on developing 1600 with curb, gutter, and...
Sunset View invites you to shop our Book Fair and support our school! You can shop in person or online! Our In Person Fair will be November 11 - 15, 2024. The Online Fair runs from November 8 -...
It's Red Ribbon week! Our awesome PTA has planned events for Red Ribbon Week focusing on: family bonding, community connection, healthy relationships, personal development, and resilience to be drug...
Attending: Karen Phair, Brooke Barnes, Christine Harrison, Seth Hansen, Teri Mccabe Safe Routes to School Safe Routes to School 1600 West is not a safe walking route due to the...
Hello Sunset View Families, Thousands of pieces of candy and prizes will be handed out at one of Sunset View's biggest event of the year--Our 2nd Annual Trunk-r-Treat! We need your help to make...
Attending: Karen Phair, Brooke Barnes, Christine Harrison, Seth Hansen, Becky Robinson, Carrie Prince Welcome and Introductions Review Community Council Rules of Order and Procedure Motion to...