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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Announcements

Cafe Rio PTA Fundraiser is Thursday

All day Thursday, eat at Cafe Rio and a portion of the proceeds will go to our SSV PTA. In-store ordering: show them the flier before you order. Online ordering, scan the QR code and order from that

It’s Spirit Week at Sunset View

Monday - Hat Day; Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day, Wednesday - Crazy Socks Day; Thursday - Wear Red and eat at Cafe Rio (must show the flier); Friday - Wear Blue! Cafe Rio Flier

Come Cheer on the Dragon Dash This Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 A M

The Dragon Dash is this Friday from 9:00-9:30 am. Parents, meet in the field to cheer us on as we all run the new course. 6th grade will start at 9:00, then each grade will follow 5 minutes after the grade before them.

Sunset View News

Yay for Mondays! This year we will start off each week by introducing a different member of our school faculty in our new #MeetTheTeacherMonday posts. We hope these will help you to better know the...

Check out this week’s Chillin with Chilcoat! Next week is a short week. We have school Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week. Wednesday will be an early release day for students at 1:30. We will...

We are so proud of our ‘I Got This’ students of the week! They continue to persevere when their work gets hard! 'I Got This' Students of the Week Don't forget to check out our Facebook,...

Our students recently started their folklore unit in the library. They started by spending a week reading traditional American tall tales and then writing their own tall tales. This week they have...

How much do you know about reindeer? Our first grade students have been studying reindeer for their reindeer reports! They’ve found some interesting facts. Reindeer Reports Don't forget to...

All of the kindergarten snowmen are melting! Read each picture to see what’s causing the great melt of 2023! We love their creativity! My Snowman Melted because... Don't forget to check out...

Yay for Mondays! This year we will start off each week by introducing a different member of our school faculty in our new #MeetTheTeacherMonday posts. We hope these will help you to better know the...

Check out this week’s Chillin with Chilcoat! Mrs. Valdez put on a great choir concert this week. We are proud of our choir and how well they performed. Thank you to everyone who showed up to...
