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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Announcements

Cafe Rio PTA Fundraiser is Thursday

All day Thursday, eat at Cafe Rio and a portion of the proceeds will go to our SSV PTA. In-store ordering: show them the flier before you order. Online ordering, scan the QR code and order from that

It’s Spirit Week at Sunset View

Monday - Hat Day; Tuesday - Crazy Hair Day, Wednesday - Crazy Socks Day; Thursday - Wear Red and eat at Cafe Rio (must show the flier); Friday - Wear Blue! Cafe Rio Flier

Come Cheer on the Dragon Dash This Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 A M

The Dragon Dash is this Friday from 9:00-9:30 am. Parents, meet in the field to cheer us on as we all run the new course. 6th grade will start at 9:00, then each grade will follow 5 minutes after the grade before them.

Sunset View News

Specialties Spotlight - Keyboarding/Technology with Mrs. Paulus    The Sixth graders have been working on Typing Club and not looking at their keyboards. Soon, they will have the keys memorized! ...

Yay for Mondays! This year, we will start each week by introducing a different school faculty member in our new #MeetTheTeacherMonday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff...

Check out this week’s Chillin with Chilcoat! Today, January 12, we have no school because yesterday was the last day of the term! Next week is a short week. No school on Martin Luther King Day on...

Each week we will be sharing a tip from our school psychologist, Mrs. Rollins. This week we are talking about What is Echolalia? Echolalia literally means “repeated speech”. This term...

Check out this week’s Chillin with Chilcoat! We are happy to welcome back our students from holiday break. Next week is a short week. There is no school on Friday, January 12th. There is also no...

We LOVE celebrating our students! At our recognition Assembly today we were able to celebrate our Students of the Month, our SOAR Card Winners, our teachers and staff of the month, and well as award...

During these last few days before break, students have moved through winter stations in PE with Coach T. Some activities reviewed skills students have practiced previously: Hockey, Pin Knock Down,...

Fourth grade students have been Elfing around the past few days. It looks like they are ready for their winter vacation! Elfing Around Don't forget to check out our Facebook, Instagram, or...

We want to wish you all the happiest of holidays! Sunset View will be closed for Winter Break from Thursday, December 21 to Tuesday, January 2. The district office will also be closed for the...
