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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Elementary School News : News

A note from our Speech-Language Pathologist, Mrs. Moss: Hearing is an important part of your student’s ability to learn and progress at school. For this reason, in accordance with state and...

Fourth-grade students have been having a blast in music this year! Here you can see, and hear, them singing a favorite song while remembering how to hop on the strong beat! Don't forget to...

Today we celebrated Dress Like a Pirate Day in the cafeteria. We have the absolute BEST Child Nutrition Staff in our school! They love to decorate our lunchroom and put on activities like these for...

Hooray for Friday! It’s the day you get to learn more about the fantastic staff members we have working at Sunset View Elementary! This year we will continue to take each Friday to introduce...

Mark your Calendars! Picture Day is coming to Sunset View Elementary School. Lifetouch will be in our building to take student pictures on Friday, September 23, 2022. Picture Day flyers were...
