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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Sunset View Elementary School News : News

Last Wednesday, fifth grade students from Sunset View took a field trip to visit the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake. They enjoyed touring the Capitol Building and learning some of its histories....

Today we celebrated our students at our January Recognition Assembly. Students this month were selected for exhibiting any of the four SOAR traits: Showing Respect, Owning their Learning, Acting...

Yesterday we celebrated the 100th Day of School! First grade students had a day of celebrations. Students made and wore fun 100th-Day crowns, built towers out of 100 cups, saw what 100 licks on a...

Last Friday, Kindergarten students were able to participate in the wedding of the letter Q and the letter U. This was a wonderful celebration throughout the land of Kindergarten! All the "letters"...

Parents, Tuesday, January 28 there will be a parent night held at Timpview High School. The guest speaker will be Collin Kartchner. Mr. Kartchner will be speaking about social media and its impact...

Yesterday, students in Miss Crowe's third-grade class took time to investigate and highlight the main idea and key details about the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and the impact of events...

Hello Parents! We have received initial information from the state regarding how our school performed during the last school year on our end-of-level testing. Please click the link below if you are...
