Attending: Seth Hansen, Teri Mccabe, Becky Robinson, Karen Phair, Brooke Barnes, Christine Harrison, Chris Bringhurst, Carrie Prince Welcome: Karen Phair Karen will not be in attendance at the...
Attending: Karen Phair, Brooke Barnes, Christine Harrison, Seth Hansen, Teri Mccabe, Carrie Prince Safe Routes to School City is planning on developing 1600 with curb, gutter, and...
Attending: Karen Phair, Brooke Barnes, Christine Harrison, Seth Hansen, Teri Mccabe Safe Routes to School Safe Routes to School 1600 West is not a safe walking route due to the...
Attending: Karen Phair, Brooke Barnes, Christine Harrison, Seth Hansen, Becky Robinson, Carrie Prince Welcome and Introductions Review Community Council Rules of Order and Procedure Motion to...