Each week, Principal Chilcoat will be releasing a new video with important updates. This new segment on our social media will be called Chillin’ with Chilcoat. We hope you’ll tune in each week...
Happy Friday! Next week has a few important events planned! Check the calendar so you don’t miss your Breakfast with the Principal or the early out days! August 21-25 Calendar Don't forget...
Hello Sunset View Family! Our school year is off to a great start. At the beginning of each school year, we invite all the parents and students in each grade level to attend a breakfast with...
Welcome back to all of our AMAZING Sunset View Students! It was wonderful to greet you all out on the Red Carpet this morning! We hope you are as excited for this school year as we are! Check...
Each week we will be sharing a tip from our school psychologist, Mrs. Rollins. This week we are talking about – Easing back into School I have talked about sleep schedules and routines before...
Happy Monday! We hope you're excited about all that this week will bring! We've got exciting things happening this week and want you to be aware of it all. Two important things to note - the...
Hello Sunset View Family! We wanted to inform you about an important change in the elementary school meal prices. Elementary lunch pricing has increased from $2.00 to $2.25. All other prices will...
Hello! We want to invite you all to attend our Back to School Night on Monday, August 14 from 5:00-6:30. We hope you will join us! Don't forget to check out our Facebook, Instagram, or...
Thank you to everyone who came to support our Kindergarten students at their graduation yesterday! We are so proud of the growth our kindergarten students have made this year and are excited to see...