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Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

Today we share a message from our Librarian, Miss Fisher.


Even though it is the second week of the month already, I wanted to quickly reach out and let you all in on what we are doing in the library this month. We are continuing our Provo Reads program this month with a new nonfiction section in mind. Our theme for this month is ‘Reading Opens Windows to Our Neighbors.’ We are encouraging students to read books primarily from the 200, 400, 600, and 900 sections of the library that teach them new things about people around the world. Any books which students read that teach them something new about the food, religion, dress, culture, traditions, dance, etc. of people around the world can be entered into a drawing for free books. Because of Thanksgiving break and Christmas break we will be using this theme for both November and December so that students have plenty of time to enter the drawing.

Our battle of the books program is also well underway and students should be working together as a team to read all of the books on their list in preparation for battles in January.

Lastly, I wanted to thank you all for your incredible help and support with our book fair last week. We did exceptionally well at this book fair and the students absolutely loved it. It would not have been possible without all of your help, support, and cooperation and so I express my sincere gratitude to each of you for your support with that event.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you and your students in any way.

Thank you for all you do Miss Fisher!

Remember to check our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates!


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