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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Sunset View Elementary School

At Sunset View we are always looking for ways to better meet the needs of the families that we serve. Please fill out this optional, brief, survey. We strive to help support families so that their basic needs are being met, please let us know what other needs we can help out with. Our school social worker will reach out to you and support you in whatever way we can. If you have any questions, please contact us at (801) 374-4950.

En Sunset view siempre estamos buscando formas de satisfacer mejor las necesidades de las familias a las que servimos. Complete esta breve encuesta opcional. Nos esforzamos por ayudar a las familias a apoyar para que se satisfagan sus necesidades básicas, háganos saber con qué necesidades podemos ayudar. Nuestro trabajador social escolar se comunicará con usted y lo apoyará en todo lo que podamos. Si tiene alguna pregunta, contáctenos al (801) 374-4950.

Click here for the form in English.

Presione aquí para la forma en español


Tomorrow is wear red and CAFE RIO day for Sunset View! Eat at Cafe Rio any time tomorrow and be sure to show this SSV flier to earn money for our PTA. Not a member of PTA yet? Show your school...

The first day of school was amazing! It was wonderful to see so many of our Dragons and their families participate in the Red Carpet, First Day Pictures, and Playground Party before school. Mr....

Dragons! We are so excited to see you all soon! Sunset View has missed you so much during the summer. Your custodians have cleaned the building and your teachers are decorating your classrooms and...

We are so proud of our ‘I Got This’ students of the week! They continue to persevere when their work gets hard! Don't Forget to check out our Facebook and...

May 23rd was our Kindergarten Graduation! We look forward to seeing these Dragons continue to SOAR in the years to come! Don't forget to check out our Facebook and...

Yay for Fridays! This year, we will be introducing a different school faculty member in our new #TeacherFeatureFriday posts. We hope this will help you get to know the fantastic staff we have at...
