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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Sunset View

Attending: Seth Hansen, Teri Mccabe, Becky Robinson, Karen Phair, Brooke Barnes, Christine Harrison, Chris Bringhurst, Carrie Prince

  • Welcome: Karen Phair
  • Karen will not be in attendance at the Jan 7, 2024 meeting, Christine will lead the meeting
  • MOY assessments are taking place today; table for January meeting.
  • Mr. B integrate grit and resilience discussion
    • Second Step
      • was chosen because of the School-home connection, easy lesson planning for teachers, grade-level specific topics, online curriculum, variety of topics
      • A letter can be sent home at the beginning of the year. After each lesson, there’s a Home Link letter to send home. Can be used for homework if the teacher wants to.
      • To this point, Second Step has been available but not expected.
      • Chris modeled in 5 classrooms last year and those teachers continue to use it this year.
    • Escuadra Esperanza
        • Suicide prevention
        • At the elementary level, we focus on the idea of getting help to students that need it: bullying, mental health, suicide ideation, SafeUT
  • What kind of communication do parents respond to?
  • Parents have access to it, so we should let them know the resource is available.
  • Engaging families
    • Parent Night (like STEM Night?) to introduce parents to the resources.
    • ‘Engage Families’ section
    • PTA could teach the lessons in classrooms to help teachers?
    • Include Levels of Behavior instruction for parents
    • After School program?
    • Can we use the Hope Squad/Kindness Club somehow?
  • What issues are we seeing in the school?
    • Conflict resolution
  • Third Goal for 25/26 school year should be related to this.
  • Safety Plan input and review
  • Amendment B Trustlands Report/Discussion
    • Moved to January, February, or March.
  • Karen moves to adjourn the meeting, Brooke and Christine second. Meeting adjourned.

Next month’s agenda: 

  • 2025-2026 Plan Prep
  • NWEA information to amend Goal 2
  • Goal 3 discussion: What have we learned.
  • Amendment B Trustlands Report/Discussion 
0 Acciones

¡Por favor, planee unirse a nosotros el 13 de diciembre para una lectura de invierno y cantar a las 5:00PM! Comenzaremos la noche con clases de lectura de grado superior e inferior donde recibirán un libro de invierno y...

El 13 y 14 de noviembre tendremos Conferencias de Padres y Maestros. Regístrese para un tiempo en la Conferencia de Padres y Maestros Puede llamar al 801-374-4950 con cualquier...

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